OKAY BUT WHY THO? Regularly, organisations and bookers are looking for great bands or soloprojects, and they know our department is an incubator where the best musical eggs hatch. Additionally, we team up with organisations in Ghent, e.g. Gent Jazz, where we can program some of the most promising projects our students lead. Book-a-band is an overview of this much appraised talent (that’s you!) and the bands or projects you play in. We will send book-a-band to bookers, and use it to select what we want to program at partner organisations, such as Ghent Jazz. Do you want to be featured on book-a-band? Be sure to complete the form below. Do you have new recordings, news, updates, new band pics…? Send an e-mail to meand I’ll update your info on book-a-band.
Unconventional juke joint featuring best kept newfound talent, home to music aficionados alike.